Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tips to do things faster at work.

1) Delegate.
If other people could do it, why should you? LOL!

2) Take 10 mins work spurts and 2 min breaks in between.
Unless... you're taking a dump in between, then i suggest you take more than 2 minutes. I'm using my 2 mins in between wisely, by creating this post. LOL

3) Come to work early.
Easier said than done. :-) This is like trying to quit a bad addiction, you know its difficult to do, but it has to be done.

4) Prioritise.
Obviously. You can't do everything all at once.

5) Inbox Zero.
Deal with the emails as you receive them. don't flood it with unnecessary useless junk.

6) Avoid distractions if possible.
Don't log into facebook (you know you will be on it for hours). Appear as 'offline' on your msn. Don't answer calls which you know are personal and those which can wait.

7) drink lots of red bull. or coke.
this will make u super hyper. LOL (ok this one i'm kidding, i'm NOT gonna be responsible if you pass out from a sugar high).
8) Don't stress over what others will think/thought of you.
they're gonna have an opinion on you anyway. whether you like it or not. use this time to focus on your work and ignore these bastards/bitches/ego-maniacs/hoes/skanks/idiots/sensitive/annoying/attention-seeking individuals. :-)

Good luck!

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