Sunday, June 21, 2009

39 secrets about yourself.

I found this 'note' thing my brother noodles filled out in his facebook... and since i'm bored out of my mind (while i wait for something to download on my msn), i decided to kill time by filling one out myself.

p/s: most of these things aren't even what i call as secrets... but yeah... if you're bored, you can read it too... cheers

1. Have you ever been asked out? yes
2. Where was your default picture (on facebook) taken? paris
3. What's your middle name? don't have one
4. Your current relationship status? neither married nor engaged :-)
5. Does your crush like you back? uhh yes, i think so
6. What is your current mood? bitchy. cos my back hurts and i got a splitting headache. hehehe kidding kidding. i'm content. don't ask me why. (nothin to do with anythin kinky okay)
7. What is the colour of the underwear you're wearing? blue with white stripes
8. What is the colour of the shirt you're wearing? not a shirt, but a dress. brown one.
9. Missing something? actually, i miss how good it felt riding my ninja... maybe cos right now i wanna sell the landrover. hehe
10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do? i wouldn't change a thing. everything happens for a reason.
11. If you must be an animal for a day, what? a cat. pissing all over the expensive couch. eat like there's no tomorrow. and scratch people i don't like. but then again, i do that now anyway (except the pissing on the couch bit) LOL
12. Ever had a near death experience? yes once. car accident... the 'what if' question came to mind.. a lot!
13. Something you do a lot? hibernate
14. The song stuck in your head? lily allen's 'fuck you very much'
15. Who did you copy and paste this from? my brother noodles
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you. a bloke named Azwa
17. When was the last time you cried? last night. over something utterly silly.
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? nope.
19. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? read people's minds. or even better telepathically make them think what i want them to think... hehe. none of that psychic-i-know-what's-going-to-happen-next crap. cos you kinda get this skill anyways
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? height and smile. a tall guy with perfectly straight white teeth... mmm gorgeous!
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks? some rasberry drink thing and a marble loaf.
22. What's your biggest secret? as if i would tell duhhhhh nice try. everyone has secrets...
23. Favourite colour? red and pink
24. Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows? no. but i still have episodes of akazukin cha cha on my hard drive, i donno why i even still have them! LOL
25. What's on your walls? pics of me and the people i love. and paintings.
26. What are you? human
27. Do you speak any other language? malay
28. What's your favourite smell? the smell of freshly washed bed sheets
29. Describe your life in one word. Incomplete. (I haven't done everything i wanna do yet)
30. Have you ever kissed in the rain? yes. then i got sick. what a downer.
31. What are you thinking about right now? 'damn, i just ate. why am i still hungry?' LOL
32. What should you be doing? some pending reports. but i'm like... nahhh. too lazy.
33. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? a wannabe who thinks he's born on this earth to be a living God (refer to blog post below).
34. How often do you talk to God? not as often as i would like. i should talk to God everyday, but i always forget. unless i'm in big trouble... or need something. sigh i should talk to God often. will try harder.
35. Do you like working in the yard? nope. me and worms don't get along very well. kidding! no time really. my plants inside the house are already dead, i don't think i should kill all the plants outside too!
36. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? Something cool. like Banks. or Powers. Austin Powers? hahaha well im happy with my first and last name.
37. Do you act differently around the person you like? yeah. but then i act like myself around the person i love. i think it's only natural, no? :-)
38. What is your natural hair colour? truly black.
39. Who was the last person to make you cry? someone with a name starting with the letter A. :-) but it's all good now. just a silly misunderstanding.

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