Monday, August 10, 2009

Doa Arwah @ our residence Bukit Tajau

Pics of our old, but very comfortable home... inside and out. we held a 'doa arwah' in honour of our relatives that are no longer with us...

Friday, August 7, 2009


We went to see edde's parents to drop off his stuff, they are so cool! Took some pictures of his AWESOME house. I felt like i was in a different era... back in time... did i mention it was an AWESOME house? yeah it was pretty awesome.

Rahim the goat (Edde's replacement) LOL.

Rahim made us feel welcome by bringing us some banana leaves (CUTE!)

My AWESOME mum and edde's AWESOME parents.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rest in Peace,

I am dedicating this post for my uncle Hj Saban bin Othman, who passed away this morning. 
It rained right after his body became one with the earth... 
which they say is always a good sign from God...
My sincere condolences to the immediate family... 
our thoughts go out to the widow, his children and grand children...
May Allah bless your soul in the afterlife, AMIN...

Welcome to Miri, Malaysia.

We went to Miri for some retail therapy... which i think is AWESOME for the mind, body and soul... it wasn't awesome for my wallet, obviously, but when i was there, i felt like i was in heaven. LOL. ok i'm exaggerating as usual, but hey! everything was cheaper compared to Brunei and Geneva... i thought to myself, 'it's ok to splurge every now and then'... i am sure I am already WAY over my weight limit for my luggage in bound to geneve. But oh well, being an Aries (and proud of it too), i think... 'i will deal with that later'. LOL

Oh! on another note, here's a pic of the bushfires - taken en route from Miri to Belait. Had to slow down to the max, couldn't see a thing. I noticed a couple of interesting things too. 1) the traffic controller was smoking on the job and wore jeans, he wasn't even wearing a mask. 2) the firemen were busy taking pictures of each other near the fires.. and not doing anything particularly important... like uh... i donno? putting out the fire! (what the). and 3) all the smoke went to the brunei side, thanks to all the wind. bugger that.


I can't help it! I just LOVE signs like these, they crack me up.


Our Brunei Home.

Dear fans (LOL), I must apologise for not updating my blog recently... It's been a while - been travelling and now I am in Brunei.

As promised, these are the pictures of our house.. it's a bit old, but it's very cozy... there's also a candid pic of my mum on the swing, and a pole holding up the bird net. (The bird net was set up nicely by my dad to catch birds... to eat, of course!). LOL

P/s: I will post pictures of my old room, once it's clean yeah. At the moment there are shopping bags everywhere... :p

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy birthday Ming Bling!!

I hope and pray your 23rd birthday will bring you joy and happiness
on your special day and many years to come..
Many happy returns!
Be a good boy now and remember we all love you,
whether u like it or not LOL
Love from your cute sister (of course) in geneva.. naturally. LOL
p/s: i love this picture haha

welcome home babies...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cairo & Luxor!

We went to Egypt over the weekend.. it was 45 degrees outside, so saying that it was friggin hot was an understatement! but had a lot of fun! went to the pyramids in cairo and went to visit the luxor temple, karnak temple and of course can't miss the valley of the kings in luxor.. i found the place to be surprisingly romantic (yes, romantic... yaaa habibi...), and the people were amazingly friendly. i got lost in one of the markets and someone noticed (within seconds) and kindly walked me out of the amazing maze of cotton shirts, belly dancing outfits, and egyptian souvenirs... i will definitely come back again if there is another chance... and catching up with my mate there was an added bonus. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Went to disneyland paris over the weekend - it was friggin' AMAZING. Bumped into aladdin, pluto and yes, saw the evil step mother too... near the dwarves' residence, no less. hmph! she looked so UP herself.. LOL

If you haven't been to any of the disney theme parks, go at least once in your life. it is truly an unforgettable experience...

And they lived happily ever after..

Happy Birthday TRD!!

My apologies for the late birthday wish, brus! I know i wished you a happy bday on FB, but haven't had the chance to wish you properly on my blog.


Many happy returns and i wish you all the best in your studies back home in darwin... we all pray that you will do well in everything... not just for your studies but also your life... Cheers! Love, from your cute sister in geneva. naturally.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Plain girls cry, pretty girls go shopping.

Those were the exact words said by my girlfriend yesterday. But in my case, instead of shopping for girly girly stuff i've decided to bank on this baby. There will be some modifications of course for my little feet to actually touch the ground (!), but that is a given for every bike since i'm not that tall. LOL everything should be ready by Monday.

To my other baby ninja in Brunei, don't worry i will take you out for a ride in a couple of weeks time.

Vroommm vroommm

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Forbidden Love.

Can a devil and an angel be together in love?
The answer is obviously no.
But why is it that some couples are so blinded by this fact? Could it be the adrenaline rush that comes with unchartered territory? Or could it be that some people thrive on drama?

This is an old question many ask themselves now and realise that in the end, all that was just a waste of time. You need to be out of sight and away from the person in hand to see the bigger picture.

This applies to those men and women out there who are in love with attached, definitely unavailable individuals. Whether they are married, engaged or have a girlfriend/boyfriend, the bottom line is... they are off limits! In this case, the answer may be to just end it swiftly and terribly. Save yourself from the pain and anguish that comes with the forbidden love. Why? Because it's not love. It's pure lust. And lust does not last, buddy.

However, in the land of the singles, forbidden love could very well be true love. That may be the case, or... it could just mean a temporary set back. Whatever it may be, good luck to all of you out there, trying to find the true meaning of happiness...

Love truly is a battle.

It's all about the choices you make.

I just reconnected to someone i was with for 5 years.. and i realised a couple of things. 1) some things never change, 2) some couples are meant to be the best of friends and nothing more, and 3) no matter what you do, you cannot change how people feel about you. In my opinion, you should know by now when you're fighting a losing battle. Whether you lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking or suddenly become a millionaire, they can only be interested in you for a short period of time. After that, they will revert back to their usual self. So! You have two options. 1) you accept the person for who they are, even if they treat you like shit, or 2) you leave and move on.

I choose option number two.

Why? Because i deserve better.

Everybody has secrets.

They just have different ways of hiding them. Some write it in a diary so it will forever be etched on paper and in memory. Some share it with the ones they trust... and some keep it to themselves and bring it to the grave. People who say they don't have any secrets are lying, for real. Even between Adam and Eve, the first lovers created on earth have secrets i'm sure. Sometimes when you love someone, you don't want to hurt their feelings by telling them the ultimate truth.
This... i learned the hard way.