Just wanted to record my readings today for future reference. So for fun, my best friend and I decided to hire someone in Korea for a small fee to do a reading on what our future holds. I note again, it is only for fun..! My bestie did the translation from Korean to English during the one hour, and I wrote some notes down on a piece of paper.
Here is what he said is in store for me:
- Everyone has a different flow in life. The flow could be up and it could be down. It is a cycle of 15 years... so from the age of 1 to 15, 16 to 30, 31 to 45, 46 to 60 and so on. I am currently in my third flow - between 31 and 45. For each cycle, depending on when I was born (date and exact time) - a month is considered lucky compared to others. For 31 to 45, it is usually around August for me, and for 45-60 it will be around September (it moves).
- He discovered that I am a 'seed' in winter time. There needs to be some modifications or adjustments. This is not good because my flow should be in line with the rice harvest. Seed in spring, flower in summer, plant in autumn and rice in winter (this adds the most value because rice is more valuable in winter when it is cold and other foods are scarce).
- I am born with a good energy however, because for a female I should be born as a moon energy (and this is aligned). Males should be born as a sun energy. This makes sense for a heterogenous relationship when the sun and the moon should work well together.
- He said that 2010-2015 was a bad period for me (declining flow) - in this case I agree because career wise it was not the best period. 2004-2009 was good (I agree with this too). 2016-2017 my luck started to develop.
- 2020 and 2021 are the best periods for me in general. 2022 the flow peaks down again and some 'malfunctions' are expected. This could be in the form of abortion, or removal of body part. A hobby or habit may be taken from me. This is expected to last until 2027. There is nothing that can be done because it is out of my control and it is not my fault. My boss might also take revenge on me so he recommended for me not to hate him (as this could backfire). I could be excluded or not seen favourably. Or - even if I worked hard, only a part of the hard work will be visible.
- For 2021: the earliest lucky months for me will be in Feb-Apr 2021 and the latest the luck would come in would be in 2022. 2021 is a great year for me. July is seen to be the luckiest month for this cycle. Even if I do not try, my abilities will be seen and appreciated by many. So if I made an effort, things would go extremely well for me. This is a good time for me to create something, achieve success and even change the direction of my life. If I was to be offered a job, he said why not? I should get it unless it is beyond my abilities. There is a lot of movement in the beginning of the year for me.
- Financially, 2019-2024 would be good. Expenses might be low.
- For when I am between 46-60 years old, the following career options will offer satisfaction: cooking, taxes, accountant, law, exercise, medicine, therapy and travelling. I may even move countries during this period.
- The flow is explained in the concept of the development of a butterfly. From caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly. At the moment, I am a full butterfly. But later in 2022, the butterfly will have to disappear and the cycle will start again.
- I should be careful with my health in 2020-2025.
Even if it isn't true, I had fun with the process!
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