Thursday, April 2, 2009

50 first reactions.

I got this fwd note thing from my cousin on facebook (thanks, Beb). I have to quickly say what comes to my mind FIRST when I see these 50 words.

Thought it would be more fun doing it here... and! I don't need to tag any of my just-as-bored friends once i'm done. (ok ok i have to admit - it's also coz i'm running out of ideas on what to write about in my blog). hehehe

Here is a preview on how random my mind works:-

1. Beer: pickwick's
2. Food: cheese
3. Relationships: difficult but worthy
4. Crush: nuts
5. Power Rangers: lame
6. Life: short but awesome
7. The President: rocks
8. Yummy: cupcakes
9. Car: audi
10. Movie: dragonball z
11. Halloween: vampires
12. Sex: female (i bet that wasn't what YOU were thinking huh *lols* unless of course it's sex WITH a female for you *perverts!* :p)
13. Religion: God
14. Hate: bitches
15. Fear: death
16. Marriage: needs a lot of work
17. Blondes: have fun
18. Slippers: at home
19. Shoes: make me taller
20. Asians: porn stars haha (hey only asians can say this of course)
21. Past time: sleep
22. One night stands: are for skanks
23. My cell Phone: i can't live without
24. Smoke: chimney
25. Fantasy: dreams
26. College: the best
27. High school Life: boring
28. Pajamas: not necessary *snicker*
29. Stars: hollywood, aries
30. Center: of attention
31. Alcohol: wine
32. The word 'love': important
33. Friends: are cool
34. Money: grows on trees
35. Heartache: wall
36. Time: flies
37. Divorce: part of life
38. Dogs: stink
39. Undies: hello kitties (don't ask)
40. Parents: one word. LEGENDDD... wait for it... ... ... ... DDDARY! (go watch 'how i met your mother'. go)
41. Babies: cute
42. Ex: history
43. Song: bon jovi
44. Color: pink
45. Weddings: everywhere (yes almost EVERYONE around me is getting married)
46. Pizza: dominos
47. Hangout: town
48. Rest: now
49. Goal: live life to the fullest
50. Inspiration: airsoft (wha? like i said, random)


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