Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 men to avoid.

I came across this article online, thought it was interesting:-

There are some men who might be fun for a fling, but not a serious relationship says Dr Rosie, author of Good Loving, Good Sex.

He's not into you
This is the guy who doesn't respond to you. He doesn't ring within a reasonable time, he doesn't want to spend romantic time with you and he's not affectionate. If you're doing more than 50 per cent of the work, walk away from this one.

He's prettier than you
While we'd all like to date Brad Pitt, you should avoid the metrosexual who spends more time staring in the mirror putting product in his hair than you do. Escape while he's applying his wrinkle-reducing, moisturising sunblock.

He loves sport too much
There's a fine line between a great guy who loves sport and the raging maniac who loves sport way too much. Steer clear at the first sign of extreme sport obsession, otherwise you'll be stuck watching every lame game the sports channel has to offer and feeding his burping buddies on weekends.

He's the constant critic
For this guy, nothing is good enough. You're too fat, too noisy, too stupid. He doesn't like the way you walk, talk or even breathe. He's a natural critic and speaks only from his own undeniable perfection. While he's busy looking down his nose at you, make a quick get-away.

He's damaged goods
Sure, he seems sensitive and caring when you first meet and he tells you how his heart has been broken. Then he tells you it was 10 years ago and you begin to realise that he just loves telling his sob story and he's never going to let anyone get close to him again — including you.

He's married
Of course his wife doesn't understand him. Here's the bottom line — he is simply not available. No matter what he tells you, if he's still sharing bed and breakfast with his wife, move right on without giving him a second look.

He's a no-hoper
This is the guy without prospects and usually without a job or a car. You pay for everything and play chauffeur. No matter how much you give him, all he gives back is sex and a bit of guitar playing. He's looking for someone to take care of him. Is it going to be you?

He has too much baggage
He's paying maintenance to multiple ex-partners. He has difficult children, some of whom live with him. He's more than a tad bitter and will tell you all his woes. Get out before you're left holding the bag.

He can't make a decision
This guy is such a waffler he can't even decide if he wants you. He'll avoid making arrangements until the last minute, just in case something better comes along. He's always thinking about changing his career, moving house, selling up and getting away. Even when he's with you he keeps his eye open for the next good thing. This guy is essentially greedy. He wants it all and thinks he might be missing something better every moment he's with you. He doesn't need you; he needs years of intensive therapy.

He wants to be a star
When a man sets his eyes on the top of the tree, you will always come second on his list of priorities. Whether he wants to save the world, be head of the company, a politician or a brain surgeon, your needs pale in comparison. He won't have time or energy left at the end of the day for you and he'll expect you to take care of the petty details of his life so he can get on with the job of being magnificent. He won't share the spotlight, so get out before it's too late.

Just to be fair to the opposite sex, this is an article for you, 10 types of women to avoid.

Snow-White-88: 'Exit. Stage left'. *lols*

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