Friday, August 29, 2008

A man wants to be a woman's first love, a woman wants to be his last.

One thing I've learned in the short '21 years' of my life (not!), is that there is only one person you can depend on to make you happy... and that is... YOURSELF.

I have this theory that men are not meant to be monogamous. They are just born to be this way. Even throughout the history of the animal kingdom, the males are meant to mate with as many females as possible to produce offspring that would carry on their genes... and this is where the Darwin/Spencer theory on 'survival of the fittest' takes into effect.

The females will tend to their young and are content with the males as long as food and protection from predators are provided. Don't get me wrong, i know some men (and women) would be offended by reading this, but like i said this is just MY theory. I'm sure there are some men out there who are loyal to their other half..

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