Sunday, October 24, 2021

More cute sayings

Adamian: Mama is a zombie travaille

Adamian: What the! Man.

Ayden: Mama cari kraja arah Supercell developer of Brawl Stars

Adamian: I love you mamunyi (me), papunyi (Antoine) I love you Aydenyi 

Sometimes I hear Adamian saying 'I love you Ayden' so aggressively until Ayden says I love you back LOL

Adamian refers to Emojis as "Here I am" because of the emoji gloves

Adamian: Miels pop! Miam Miam Miam! (from cereal ad)

Adamian: When I grow up I am going to be an artist.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sweet memories

 It was windy walking home from school. Ayden hugged me and we walked in a cuddle. He said that penguins do the same when it's too cold. :)